You are warmly invited… As the global Prout movement is progressing with increasing speed, the yearly Prout[...]
Embracing the spirit of coordinated cooperation, this year’s PROUT Convention will happen in a decentralised[...]
Prout asserts that housing is a fundamental right of every human being. A government truly[...]
“To materialize the concept of universalism a world government is necessary. This world government should[...]
“The first thing that must be done to increase the purchasing capacity of the common[...]
“This is the part of the economy that aims to provide the essential needs of[...]
Capitalism, especially in its current form of corporate capitalism [what other types are there?], facilitates[...]
The film Planet of the Humans, produced by Michael Moore, touches upon concepts found in[...]
This week (2019) saw the book launch in Covilha (Portugal) of a practical and inspiring[...]
Our Co-Creating Positive System Change initiative has continued for just over a month now. Last week[...]