Personal map of my neighbourhood: This exercise helps people reflect on their connection to space[...]
This week on Wednesday, 17 June @ 19:00 UTC… We will check in with everyone[...]
Pashupati will be offering a course on public speaking based on the requests of his[...]
Monetary theory was an integral part of classical value theory. The values of money and[...]
Manifesting Prout on this Planet: An Inside-Out Perspective – Wednesday, 20 and Saturday, 23 May[...]
Doubt leaves us adrift, our lives devoid of certainty and colour, and charm. The pandemic[...]
Our Co-Creating Positive System Change initiative has continued for just over a month now. Last week[...]
Learn to set up: Tools to Change the World – Study Circles Wednesday, 29th of[...]
Our two main goals for this course are to understand our world as it really[...]
A conference has been organized by Prout Research Institute of Portugal (PRIP) jointly with the[...]