Prout Convention 20-26 July 2020

Embracing the spirit of coordinated cooperation, this year’s PROUT Convention will happen in a decentralised fashion. Rather than having everyone gather in Denmark as we have done in previous years, we are requesting people to gather at their local jagrti or space during the dates of the Convention and connect across the globe online.

Workshops will be held via conference calls and each region can have one account connected to the call (unless you are isolated, then of course you can connect individually). This will help keep the discussion alive and healthy with groups of people interacting more at a local level. From this year on, the PROUT Convention team is making an effort to create real and effective projects on the ground, and this can only be realised through a collective approach.

The PROUT Convention committee: Jiivanmukta, Nirmal, Nirmala and Vishvashanti

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